Not free, but out there

Posted by Krystle On 11/17/2009
The Corporate Critic Research Database is run by the same people who do the Ethical Consumer Magazine. Unfortunately, most of their database is by subscription only and it isn’t at all cheap. For £21.28 (which is about $38 Canadian) you can look at the database for ONE day and the rates go up from there. Obviously this website is targeted towards corporate or large NGO applications.

BrandAware is all about the free and open access to brand information, but for some people this might be worth the investment. What you can use Corporate Critic for is to do a quick to search to see a company’s ‘ethiscore’. This won’t tell you why they received that score, but it might have some useful functions.

1 Response to ' Not free, but out there'

  1. Unknown Said,'> November 26, 2009 at 4:00 PM

    Wow! Definitely interesting to know that that information is out there, but those prices are UNbelievable! clearly not in the student budget.


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